iTouch Dressed for Danger in an OtterBox
Known for our butterfingers, Carole and I both ordered OtterBox protective cases for our mobile gewgaws. Hers was the lighter Commuter model for her HTC Android phone which even works with the swing-out keyboard, but I got the indestructo Defender case for my iTouch.

iTouch self portrait. Background courtesy of the Home Hardware lumber desk. Splayed-finger hand modelling by Dave.
It's made of two snap-on hard plastic shells (one with a built-in screen protector) and a grippy rubber sleeve that stretches over the whole thing, without blocking any of the important orifices (including the Apple logo on the back).
The case actually makes it much easier to grasp the thing, because the iTouch is actually a little too thin, if you ask me. Beefing it up with the OtterBox gives it a much better "heft."
I haven't tested its durability yet, and hope never to, but it seems solid. I recommend it highly, and, even though the company is in the States, they managed to deliver all the way up here in only a couple of days for ten bucks.