What He Tweeted for the week ending 2013-03-15
- Whitehorse Airport #YXY fix your parking lot gates! There's money to be made during March break when the lot is completely, utterly full. 2013-03-10
- Regulation 47.4(3)b. Whenever a phrase of the form "____ come a long way" is uttered, it must immediately be followed by an emphatic "baby". 2013-03-11
- Simulated flavourings have come a long way: these Kosher potato chips clearly show meat and dairy mixed. And bacon. http://t.co/EH3dpuCGHN 2013-03-12
- Thanks, City of #Whitehorse grader driver, for skillfully whittling the 10" plowed cliff at the end of my driveway down to a gentle slope. 2013-03-13