What He Tweeted for the week ending 2014-09-12
- 'Dirty little secret': Poorly paid part-timers now teach most undergrads. Any stats on this for @yukoncollege? http://t.co/PsQZZDp2D1 2014-09-07
- Frozen dog water, the Yukon autumnal harbinger. #WinterIsComing http://t.co/UacTYbLhmx 2014-09-09
- Either I get a Chinese translation of today's #AppleLive presentation, or a straight out access denied error. No Chinese iPhone6 for me! 2014-09-09
- RT @HAL9000_: iCloud is too busy sending people celebrity nude photos to send you your iPhone 6 video stream
- As with all #AppleLive announcements, I am left wondering if it is available: In Canada? In Yukon? In my most optimistic income projections? 2014-09-09
- My iPhone battery ran out during the #AppleLive broadcast. This would be #ironic if "mildly related concepts" was the definition of irony. 2014-09-09
- Need a word for: "My wife bought a treat and forgot about it. I ate the whole thing and have now had to secretly replace it a dozen times." 2014-09-10