What He Tweeted for the week ending 2015-01-09

  • Another perfect evening for a dog walk through the bush: crystal clear, -25 crisp and calm, near-full moonlit, and dancing Aurora above. 2015-01-03
  • I call this section of the trail the "Skeleton Dance." With apologies to Walt Disney. #Yukon http://t.co/jklSaLDm5O 2015-01-03
  • Another aerobic nighttime outing to kick the snow load from lodgepoles and white spruce. Hope we don't lose too many. http://t.co/d1coy0Cfpq 2015-01-08
  • The baby just fell asleep to the dulcet tones of #Loverboy. For a six-month-old he sure does rock that mullet. 2015-01-09
