Time to finish writing that script you’ve got tucked into the back of the sock drawer.
I've signed up for the CRWR243 Writing Drama course up at the College this term. It needs just a couple more students to register by Friday or it'll be cancelled. Why not take the opportunity to learn to write a play? Maybe even that movie script you've been thinking about all these years. You know the one: where the aliens raise the dead to warn us that humanity is on the verge of creating a weapon that will explode the universe?
Oh wait, that movie's already been made.
In any case, the course is every Wednesday evening from 7 to 10pm. We're even all going out to see a play at the Guild in a couple of weeks.
The instructor is Patti Flather, and if you have questions, contact her at gwaandakfoo@quuxklondiker.com.
Hope to see you next Wednesday.
Archived Comments
Re "Smoochers" the critics say "reflects the early work of this emerging artist, showing creativity and natural existential dialectic. The later work embraces themes such as frugality, exploring in particular the tightwad." Biographical notes suggest wife was expecting a new car or jewelry.
Ha! That's great. Goes with this post though.