What He Tweeted for the week ending 2012-08-26
- Now there's Scarborough, and then there's Sc-aaaaah-rborough. http://t.co/VVql5alp #
- That last step's a doozy. #ScarboroughBluffs http://t.co/PGILhtsI #
- ...and, once you've fallen off the bluff, this is the view that greets you. #ScarboroughBluffs http://t.co/FVNQIn4W #
- Two-month-old Yukoner has now seen the other end of the urban spectrum. #WhatUsedToBeJustYongeAndDundas http://t.co/zUUG1zDL #
- That famous landmark from that one episode of Star Trek TNG. #RobFordIsNotLogical http://t.co/6IlQIbYh #
- Ah, the old office building. What financial shenanigans are going on in there today d'ya suppose? http://t.co/V35mJsns #
- Get a load of this thing. #AGO http://t.co/6OuveGlW #
- Minutes away from our Timmins turboprop flight. Anyone think of an appropriate cheer? #
- Fourth trip to Timmins and still no sign of #Shania Gonna have to spring for a Swissair ticket if this keeps up. #
- I'm staring at an Eddie Bauer swinging bassinet. How exactly did a down jacket impresario become this decade's Hello Kitty brand? #
- Meanwhile, on Dave's vacation... #NobodyGetsHotWaterUntilISeeAPi ±aColada http://t.co/2MATX61C #
- Nothing more satisfying than a solder joint that holds up to water pressure. As for sixteen said joints in a row? Pure bliss. #