What He Tweeted for the week ending 2013-12-20

  • Embarrassing: I was only able to recall Honoré de Balzac's name because the 90210 gang went to visit his house in Paris. 2013-12-14
  • RT @dmoorhouse: In May the Government of Yukon created a new Tech & Telecom directorate and they are looking into the idea of a makerspace/… 2013-12-16
  • Now that chia has supplanted quinoa as the grain of choice, we're ever closer to the day that marshmallow is declared an essential nutrient. 2013-12-17
  • Sun's up. 11:17am, December 17. Of course, that mountain in the way does shorten the day a smidge in these parts. http://t.co/swfGxZU246 2013-12-17
  • "Superhero movie franchise reboots midway through its initial screening" #IsAHeadlineIAssumeTheOnionHasAlreadyWritten 2013-12-17
