What He Tweeted for the week ending 2014-08-22
- Ah, August, when a Yukoner's mind turns to remembering which switch turns on which light. 2014-08-19
- RT @ianbremmer: What's killing people in Ebola-affected countries. Some useful comparisons, via @TheEconomist http://t.co/a8X7OdXl0s 2014-08-20
- RT @brendangregg: Linux observability tools (from http://t.co/tMyCAxBwyS), updated for my #LinuxCon talk Wed http://t.co/26nvyxuH30 2014-08-20
- Something about the way Twitter automatically cropped this photograph of our Prime Minister appeals to me. http://t.co/uKvsxLmHvn 2014-08-21