What he tweeted: How come I can’t get socks with rubber nubs on the…
How come I can't get socks with rubber nubs on the bottom like for toddlers? I ask because I just went tail over teakettle in the kitchen.
How come I can't get socks with rubber nubs on the bottom like for toddlers? I ask because I just went tail over teakettle in the kitchen.
I discovered that my cordless drill's charger can play Für Elise, thereby satisfying my love for Beethoven and countersinking simultaneously
What's preventing us from dressing all of the election candidates in camo and hiding them in the bushes? #yukon #elxn42 #goodgriefitsleef 08:08:47
Took the boy to a musical puppet show at the MacBride museum. His fondest discovery? Weatherstripping. In truth, it was a quality stripping. 2015-08-14 The ...
Still $1.17 at Superstore gas bar in #YXY this AM. https://t.co/tIed3M3rpt 2015-06-19
Chainsaw safety pro tip: don't get your foot stuck in a tomato plant cage while felling a tree. What the $@&%* was that doing in the bush? 2015-06-...
Woke up humming "Rock me Amadeus." What was I dreaming? All I remember is mowing Stalin's front lawn on the forest moon of Endor. 2015-06-01 ...
It's "Shock the Well" day once again. I use a twofold approach: Sodium Hypochlorite and bawdy limericks. 2015-05-25 RT @cclimenhaga: Some of ...
Once again, my £10 royal baby wager won't be paying off. Apparently William and Kate aren't going to put this one up for adoption either. 2015-05-...
Read an article about the Amazon river and for a moment I wondered if http://t.co/XepaE6eGdC had bought the naming rights for some river. 2015-04-21 Woohoo!...
RT @Yukon_Jobs: Senior Web and Online Services Developer: Yukon College (Whitehorse) "Job Description (pdf) This… http://t.co/uZZM7Vk8dh #y… 2015-04-11...
My boy's attempt to sneak past while I snoozed on the couch failed because a) he narrated his exploit out loud and b) he stepped on my head. 2015-04-04...