Relearning Emacs

The last time I used Emacs regularly, the computers were SPARC pizza-boxes, and every time you logged off, the screen would display how many dollars and cent...

Fracas in the Halls of Academe.

What really puts a bee in the bonnet of the elbow patch and pipe set atop the hill at Yukon College? Suspicious selection of the president? Assault in the r...

Face no longer in Book

I deleted my Facebook account this morning. Which is to say I unsubscribed from my groups and networks, erased my friends, and deactivated the account -- you...

Revenge of the Icon

A past version of my company website featured a page of favourite links, one of which led to Wikipedia. I spruced up each link with a wee favicon: the little...

A new degree in the family.

As of today, Carole has completed all of the requirements for the Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP). On her way home from school -- a four-month...