There are 479,001,600 ways to button this blasted baby sleeper.
There are many things that can occupy one's mind while trying to change a screeching baby's wet diaper in the middle of the night. For me, high-school math i...
There are many things that can occupy one's mind while trying to change a screeching baby's wet diaper in the middle of the night. For me, high-school math i...
I can only hope that when it comes time for me to announce that I've found my keys with a 5-sigma confidence, that my car will start. #Higgs # The est...
Strange the things that appear in old safety deposit boxes. After drilling out one of my father's abandoned boxes, we found a few old Canada Savings Bonds ma...
"ah-REE jorj duh-NEE RAW-djers" Or, just "Henry-George Dennis Rogers" for the maudit anglos in the audience. He was named Henri after my late fathe...
Aside from instruction and technical assistance, my Yukon College duties now apparently include dead mouse extraction. # My stuffy office desk looks out at...
Pro tip: train your smartphone to spell your child's name correctly before sending out mass announcements. Henri-Georges, Henri-Georges, ... # I keep ...
When it comes to stuff like this, I lose interest in Twitter. #TweetsContainingHashtagsThatAreLengthierThanTheNonHashtaggedPortionOfTheTweet # No "Moo...
Our 6-room, 800 square foot, 1-bath, 2-dog house now has 2 rooms, 150 square feet, 0.5 bath, and 1 dog set aside for the visiting grandmothers-to-be. With w...
Carole was up and at school at 6am this morning. Good thing her maternity leave started Friday, or she would've been in at 5am. #teaching # A home dec...
We're all well aware that we learn more thoroughly by doing than by observing. Trouble is, it takes effort to schedule the doing, especially when the going g...
Soon to be a new father, I've learned many things about parenthood of which previously I had no earthly idea. To begin with: storage. As in, where, exactly, ...
Something so endearing, and yet side-splitting, in watching a two-week-from-term pregnant woman wrestle a body pillow into place each night. # Even though ...